Monday, June 20, 2011

Product Review: Kratom S-Ense

With so many kratom products and bands on the market, it can be hard to deceipher the bulls**t from the worthwhile products. I have to decided to post a comprehensive review of each kratom product I encounter, to hopefully help anybody else avoid bad experiences and steer them to worthwhile kratom adventures.

The first product I'm documenting is one of those "Kratom extract" liquid shot varitiies. The particular brand is called "Kratom-S-Ense" distributed by Other World LLC. It seems to be pretty popular, found at almost every headshop in my area.

Contents: 1 oz per container: Spring Water, Concentrated Lemon Juice, Organic Cane Sugar, "Kratom Leaf Extracts '(broad spectrum)'", Ethyl Alcohol, Agave Nectar, Absorbic Acid. I'm not sure exactly what they mean by "broad spectrum", but I digress.

Consistiency - Dark brown, viscious, with grainy particles floating in the bottom. Be sure to shake well and rinse with water to get everything from bottle before preparing shot.

The taste is as you would expect - extremely earthy and bitter. Mix with kool-aid or the like.

So here's the report.
I ingest at 11:30 AM on a relatively empty stomach.
At +0:20, I feel very subtle stimulation - no euphoria or anything else noteworthy. This would be good for light social interaction. Not intoxicating by any means.
+0:45, Light stimulation turns to lethargy. I find myself laying on the floor with my dogs, playing tug of war. Definite sense of well-being and mood-lift is noticed - again, nothing too pronounced - very subtle.
+1:00 it is time for a nap.

Overall, even doubling the dose renders less than desirable results. The effects are there, just so subtle that you're unlikely to notice them without potentiation. I'd give it a 3/10. If you come across some of this in your local headshop, consider another option.

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