Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My favorite song about Ayahuasca and DMT

Thus Far (Alternate) by reggiewatts

Thanks Reggie! I'm a big fan and if you play Honolulu, I have a couch and some cookies for you.

Alex Jones Freaks out about DMT, Elves and the Global Elite

Had to share this one, if you haven't had your lulz for the day, you should watch it.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Hawaiian Ethnobotanicals

An excellent reference for any exploration of Hawaiian ethnobotanicals is the Bishop Museum Database.  Being in Hawaii, I am constantly learning about the local flora and the history of their use.

I think you'll agree, check it out.

Hawaiian Ethnobotanical Database

Ron Paul and Barney Frank introduce legalization bill.

Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) and Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) will introduce “bi-partisan legislation tomorrow ending the federal war on marijuana and letting states legalize, regulate, tax, and control marijuana without federal interference,” according to a press release from the Marijuana Policy Project that just hit my inbox. More from that email:
Other co-sponsors include Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN), Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO), and Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA). The legislation would limit the federal government’s role in marijuana enforcement to cross-border or inter-state smuggling, allowing people to legally grow, use or sell marijuana in states where it is legal. The legislation is the first bill ever introduced in Congress to end federal marijuana prohibition.
Rep. Frank’s legislation would end state/federal conflicts over marijuana policy, reprioritize federal resources, and provide more room for states to do what is best for their own citizens.
“It’s definitely going to get a serious debate, probably more in the media than on the floor of the House,” Fox told said. “But I think it needs to be debated on the floor.”

What does MPP see as obstacles?

“Someone in the prohibitionist camp could hold it up as long as they wanted, but the slew of opinion pieces that came out last week calling for the end of the failed drug war will give this momentum,” Fox said.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Product Review: Kratom S-Ense

With so many kratom products and bands on the market, it can be hard to deceipher the bulls**t from the worthwhile products. I have to decided to post a comprehensive review of each kratom product I encounter, to hopefully help anybody else avoid bad experiences and steer them to worthwhile kratom adventures.

The first product I'm documenting is one of those "Kratom extract" liquid shot varitiies. The particular brand is called "Kratom-S-Ense" distributed by Other World LLC. It seems to be pretty popular, found at almost every headshop in my area.

Contents: 1 oz per container: Spring Water, Concentrated Lemon Juice, Organic Cane Sugar, "Kratom Leaf Extracts '(broad spectrum)'", Ethyl Alcohol, Agave Nectar, Absorbic Acid. I'm not sure exactly what they mean by "broad spectrum", but I digress.

Consistiency - Dark brown, viscious, with grainy particles floating in the bottom. Be sure to shake well and rinse with water to get everything from bottle before preparing shot.

The taste is as you would expect - extremely earthy and bitter. Mix with kool-aid or the like.

So here's the report.
I ingest at 11:30 AM on a relatively empty stomach.
At +0:20, I feel very subtle stimulation - no euphoria or anything else noteworthy. This would be good for light social interaction. Not intoxicating by any means.
+0:45, Light stimulation turns to lethargy. I find myself laying on the floor with my dogs, playing tug of war. Definite sense of well-being and mood-lift is noticed - again, nothing too pronounced - very subtle.
+1:00 it is time for a nap.

Overall, even doubling the dose renders less than desirable results. The effects are there, just so subtle that you're unlikely to notice them without potentiation. I'd give it a 3/10. If you come across some of this in your local headshop, consider another option.

ComprasPeru.com Review; 'Don't waste your time'.

I have shopped with comprasperu.com a few times now.  I want to share with my readers a few recent experiences.

There have been 2 big problems with each of my last 2 orders.  The first problem was they sent me the wrong product.  This wouldn't have been so bad, had they admitted their mistake and corrected it, but they didn't, and now I am stuck with an unidentified bag of crap I didn't want.

The second problem was I placed a $300 order and 2 months later they still haven't shipped it.  They claim to have a delay obtaining their CITES document, but I have repeatedly asked for a refund, and repeatedly been refused.

I do NOT reccommend you do any business with comprasperu.com or Andina Real.
They failed on every level lately.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Theobromine and Live Cacao trees


Here is a great source of Theobroma cacao seedlings.
Get them while they last.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Elfen embodiments of syntactical intent.

"I am old, older than thought in your species, which is itself fifty times older than your history. Though I have been on earth for ages I am from the stars. My home is no one planet, for many worlds scattered through the shining disc of the galaxy have conditions which allow my spores an opportunity for life. The mushroom which you see is the part of my body given to sex thrills and sun bathing, my true body is a fine network of fibers growing through the soil. These networks may cover acres and may have far more connections that the number in a human brain. My mycelial network is nearly immortal, only the sudden toxification of a planet or the explosion of its parent star can wipe me out. By means impossible to explain because of certain misconceptions in your model of reality all my mycelial networks in the galaxy are in hyperlight communication across space and time. The mycelial body is as fragile as a spider's web but the collective hypermind and memory is a vast historical archive of the career of evolving intelligence on many worlds in our spiral star swarm. Space, you see, is a vast ocean to those hardy life forms that have the ability to reproduce from spores, for spores are covered with the hardest organic substance known. Across the aeons of time and space drift many spore-forming life-forms in suspended animation for millions of years until contact is made with a suitable environment. Few such species are minded, only myself and my recently evolved near relatives have achieved the hyper-communication mode and memory capacity that makes us leading members in the community of galactic intelligence. How the hypercommunication mode operates is a secret which will not be lightly given to man. But the means should be obvious: it is the occurrence of psilocybin and psilocin in the biosynthetic pathways of my living body that opens for me and my symbiots the vision screens to many worlds. You as an individual and man as a species are on the brink of the formation of a symbiotic relationship with my genetic material that will eventually carry humanity and earth into the galactic mainstream of the higher civilizations.

Since it is not easy for you to recognize other varieties of intelligence around you, your most advanced theories of politics and society have advanced only as far as the notion of collectivism. But beyond the cohesion of the members of a species into a single social organism there lie richer and even more baroque evolutionary possibilities. Symbiosis is one of these. Symbiosis is a relation of mutual dependence and positive benefits for both of the species involved. Symbiotic relationships between myself and civilized forms of higher animals have been established many times and in many places throughout the long ages of my development. These relationships have been mutually useful; within my memory is the knowledge of hyperlight drive ships and how to build them. I will trade this knowledge for a free ticket to new worlds around suns younger and more stable than your own. To secure an eternal existence down the long river of cosmic time I again and again offer this agreement to higher beings and thereby have spread throughout the galaxy over the long millennia. A mycelial network has no organs to move the world, no hands; but higher animals with manipulative abilities can become partners with the star knowledge within me and if they act in good faith, return both themselves and their humble mushroom teacher to the million worlds all citizens of our starswarm are heir to."

From Psilocybin - Magic Mushroom Grower's Guide
by O.T. Oss & O.N. Oeric

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

How to Perforate Blotter Paper (like LSD)? Answer:

From time to time I research a question and don't find an answer.  These make the best blog posts, today's question involves "How to make the perforations on blotter art?"

The answer it seems is being quietly hidden by those cashing in on the "blotter art" phenom, and after many Google searches and a few exasperated quits and restarts, I think I have stumbled upon enough clues to point the interested reader in the right direction.

The answer is they use a perforation board as seen above.  These are outfitted either on a manual perforation press, or otherwise fashioned to perforate the paper.  Individual steel perforation rules, or the cutting piece, can be purchased from suppliers either in precut lengths or by the coil.

And that is how the professional blotter art perforation is done today.  The same way it has been done for decades.  See below for a picture of an older perforation machine.

And here is a picture of the state-of-the-art model:

For our next article:  What paper do I use for blotter art?

Monday, June 13, 2011

Ayahuasca Ceremony in Iquitos, Peru

The following account was written this week by a close friend of mine who is living in Iquitos.  He recently left our armed services and is doing some healing in Peru.

I was out in the jungle for a good portion of the last week.  Before leaving Iquitos I had my first two ayahuasca experiences, but it wasn´t until I was out in the jungle that I saw what ayahuasca can really do.  I had no idea.  The real shamans down here have their discipline down to a science.  I´m not speaking friviously here either.  They know their shit, and they go in deeper than I previously realized was possible.

The paradigm is one of plant spirits.  As part of the process of becoming a maestro, the shaman diets various medicinal and psychoactive plants of the jungle.  They eat very light simple meals, and they consume concoctions made from the particular plant that they are dieting.  To top all of this off, they drink ayahuasca throughout the weeks that they are dieting a particular plant.  The diet changes the ayahuasca experience, and this is one of the ways that they communicate with and learn about the spirit of the plant they are dieting.

Ayahuasca itself is called by some "Madre Ayahuasca" and is a spirit that they communicate with during the ayahuasca experience.  This might sound like a bunch of primitive mumbo jumbo, but after experiencing this in depth communication with the vine myself, I know that there is much more to this than most people brought up in western culture would even dare to believe.  It´s truly amazing.  Things that I have been struggling with for most of my life were laid bare and explained to me from the perspective of ayahuasca.  She even explained to me how she knows the things she knows, and where she derives her healing powers from.

Purging is an important part of healing in the ayahuasca experience.  I vomited one time in the six ceremonies that I have attended so far, and when I purged something came out of me that I didn´t even know was in me, but recognized that I had been holding onto inside of myself for many years.  The purging was, of course, a physical event, but it was also a very deep psychological cleansing.  How this is possible defies many of the beliefs of western culture, but the ayahuasca made clear to me how she works.  What came out of me, in my mind and vision as I was purging, was something like worms and nasty rotteness of an evil black bird.  The bird was vomiting through me, but it was also coming out of me in pieces as I vomited.  Then I saw it in the bucket and knew that it was gone.  I have felt different ever since in a very satisfying way.

This purging took place at the beginning of a ceremony in which I drank some particularly strong ayahuasca, and after I vomited my vision opened up as if I had just dropped ten or twenty hits of acid.  It´s a bit difficult to convey just how hard I was tripping.  I did not realize this was possible, especially for the small amount of brew that I had drank... which was about a shotglass worth ayahuasca.

The maloca was dark, but my vision opened up to a landscape.  A Shipibo woman was sitting next to me, and another Shipibo woman was sitting on the porch of a house in front of me.  There was a yard around the house and the jungle stretched off into the distance.  I was shown how beautiful the jungle is, but how terribly dangerous it is as well, and the message was clearly conveyed that I must never go into the jungle without a guide.  Mother nature would gladly consume me if I was so foolish as to simply step into the mouth of her gaping jaws.

One of the shamans of the ceremony was with me, and he showed me that I did not have to sit in my body in the maloca, but that I could stand up and walk with him.  I stood up and went with him, and he showed me various parts of the jungle that he sometimes liked to go to.  We went to a house where a family was staying.  They seemed happy that I had come to visit them.  They showed me many things about the jungle.

During the ayahuasca ceremonies, there were common themes, visions, and messages that carried on throughout all of them.  The first ceremony I attended I simply felt sick.  During the second ceremony I had visions pertaining to an image which entered into my mind of an egg and a golden crown.  The egg was the egg of the unborn god of eternity.  The crown was the brilliantly jeweled golden crown of the Sun-King.  The egg rested upon the crown.  The third ceremony also pertained to this image.  The fourth ceremony was the one where I purged and my vision really started to open up.  The visions of the fourth, fifth and sixth ceremonies I can best describe to you by summarizing the overall content of the three ceremonies in total.

Something strange happened from time to time during the course of those last three ceremonies.  I would hear the loud chirping, buzzing, screaching sounds of the jungle around me, and then they would fade away only to be released by the sounds of emergency sirens.  I recognized the sirens and what they meant clearly.  These sirens were the sirens of the Japan tsunami, and I would see the waves coming in and tearing the world apart.  I saw ghosts of families washed away to sea come into the maloca and stand before me.  This was not the only suffering I saw.

I saw the suffering of the world, but it was not me who was witnessing it.  This made the experiences a bit overwhelming at times because they were taking place in the first person, not as Shawn Paulson, but as many people going through the most horrendous of trials and ordeals.  There were children kidnapped and sold into the sex trade.  There was torture of a depravity that will never be justified.  There was sickness, disease, death, epidemics, molestations, rapes, murders, corruption, and behavior that is in every way wrong and criminal.  I saw through the eyes of the perpetrators, and I saw through the eyes of those going through such harsh ordeals.  I saw the strength and resolution to go on. I saw the giving in and the suicides.  I saw through the eyes of the sick and injured who had no choice but to help those around them because they were the only ones who could help.  I saw through the eyes of those who had lost their ways into the scariest and most horrible situations but kept going on only out of the faint hope that they would see their loved ones again.  I also saw the devastation of families whose loved ones had been murdured, through the sorrow of those who could not understand how anyone could do such a thing.

On and on it went, J-, and these people were not simply strangers, but also people I knew.  I finally understood what my father went through as he held my grandmothers hand on her death bed.  I finally understood how my sister felt as her baby daughter kept vomiting and vomiting and had to go to the hospital.  I finally understood the Japan tsunami and the strength and resolve of the survivors, as well as their connection to the ghosts of the dead, their families and loved ones, who share this message with those who will listen.

Family is very important, and it is important that we have the strength and resolve to carry on in even the most dire and depraved of situations... and there is more to the message.

I saw human history, and it appeared not as a series of haphazard events but as a series well timed and orchestrated events preparing us for what is to come, and you can see that something is coming.  Think technological singularity.  Think Terence McKennas Timewave Zero and 2012.  I was shown that, though most priests and most people do not realize this, even the major religions of our world have been preparing us for this event by encouraging a belief in God... because this is what´s coming, and this is the only thing that can save us.  There are no accidents.  Even the Japan earthquake happened at exactly the right time and place.  Everything is in tune, and intelligence goes far beyond what most people would ever dare to believe.

The darkness and seemingly evil of my visions, though weighty and challenging, were very revealing.  It is like the wildness of the jungle.  Humanity is not free from this wildness, and our judgements of good and evil upon our own nature are superficial.  All of the atrocities of our planet as well as all the goodness and light serve a greater purpose, which is the preparation of our species for our cosmic awakening.  We would never know strength if we never had to be strong.  We would never know resolve if we had never been in situations where we had to make real decisions. 

This is all very important, and these are things that we need to have down to survive not only as a species, but as a world of sentient beings as well.  We are being groomed and prepared for integration into the spiritual family of our universe, and we can´t step into this unknowing or with our eyes shut.  Billions of years of extra-terrestrial space lies before us, and it is even more dangerous and wild than the most dangerous and wild places on our planet.  We need to be prepared.  Like the Japan tsunami, our world may soon seem as if it is coming to an end.  It is important that we follow the example of the tsunami survivors and have the strength, coordination, and resolve to carry on.

Anyway, that said, ayahuasca is A LOT more potent than I ever thought it would be when brewed properly... and when taken in the right environment, and with the right maestro, you can be taken to places you´ve never before even dreamed of.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Thats a ton (5 tons) of Khat.

Eighteen people in four states, including 10 from northern Virginia, have been arrested for allegedly operating an international trafficking ring that distributed nearly 10,000 pounds of the illegal African drug known as khat, authorities announced Thursday.

Prosecutors in U.S. District Court in Alexandria charged Yonis Muhudin Ishak of Arlington as the conspiracy's ringleader. He allegedly paid a network of couriers $1,000 each for trips to London to fetch fresh batches of khat, a leaf that gives users a high when chewed.

The drug is popular in East Africa. Of the 18 arrested, all were natives of Somalia or Yemen.

John Torres, a special agent in charge for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Homeland Security Investigations in Washington, estimated the khat's street value at $5 million. The trafficking ring had been in operation since at least 2005, according to court records.
