This book pertains to San Pedro cacti (Trichocereus species in Latin taxonomy), which contain mescaline, the powerful hallucinogen also found in peyote. Conveniently, the full title of this book Trout's Notes on San Pedro and Related Species - A Guide to Their Visual Recognition With Notes on Their Botany,
Chemistry and History gives a precise indication of it's content. The blurb on the back cover says, "More than you need to know" and this is certainly true unless the reader wants all of the very exhaustive info contained in this book that splits hairs about species, subspecies, strains, varieties, botanical identification, classification and naming of Trichocereus (San Pedro) cacti and so on. This reviewer would imagine that most readers, even those particularly interested in Trichocereus species would find almost all of this book to have much more information than is necessary.
Also, only the most technically apt readers will appreciate (or even begin to understand) the info provided on the chemical extraction and analysis of "tricho" cacti. However, more info is better than not enough and this book is certainly a great contribution to the body of ethnopharmacology as no one else seems to be providing even a fraction of the detailed info contained in this book and the authors are to be highly commended for all their research and the compiling and organizing of their info in this book.